Legal Aid Drop-In

Chebucto Connections 531 Herring Cove Rd

Chebucto Connections and Nova Scotia Legal Aid have partnered up to help serve the community by providing a space to meet with a Lawyer A Social Justice Lawyer comes into Chebucto […]

Produce Registration Day

To register for a free produce pack call 902-477-0964 ext.10 or email [email protected] between 9-4pm Serving the Spryfield/Sambro Loop area Pick up date Apr 26th 12-4pm

Form Filling Clinic

Chebucto Connections 531 Herring Cove Rd

If you need help filling out forms and/or applications Pro Bono Dalhousie can help. No Appointment necessary. For more info call 902-477-0964 ext. 10 or email [email protected]


BGC 11 Aldergrove Drive, Canada